By now, you’ve probably realized that taking in all the smells is one of your dog’s favorite activities. This is because a dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times more accurate than humans.1
You’ve probably heard of dogs that sniff out narcotics and explosives or even dogs that detect health conditions. You may only think of the applications of scent training for working dogs, but did you know that nose work training for dogs is beneficial for household pets as well?
It’s easy to think of dog training as only covering the basics: sit, stay, down, etc. But dog training is so much more than that. And scent training is one activity that is fun, enjoyable, and incredibly beneficial to both you and your dog.
Scent training may seem overwhelming at first blush, but it doesn’t have to be. So let’s dive in and break down what it is, what the benefits are, and how I incorporate scent training into my programs.
What is scent training for dogs?
In its most basic sense, scent training is essentially where the dog finds a given scent and communicates it to their owner.
Scent training begins by teaching the dog what the odor is so that they can find it. The next progression is then for the dog to find the hidden odor. Lastly, the owner and dog put all the pieces together where the dog will find the scent and notify the owner of where the scent is.2 Dogs love to get rewarded for using their natural instincts.
Scent training is incredibly useful for working dogs so that they can detect dangerous materials, harmful creatures such as bed bugs, and dangerous health conditions. However, because scent training is so beneficial to non-working dogs, there is now an AKC competition around scent detection. The AKC uses essential oils of Birch, Anise, Clove, and Cypress for the dogs to detect.1
Scent training is not limited to certain breeds or temperaments of dogs. A majority of dogs will be able to partake in it, especially because there are not a lot of physical requirements for scent work.3
Through the products that Sniff Industries sells, dogs learn that the detection of an odor leads to a reward. I use these products myself in my training programs and have seen the benefits of the training in each dog that I’m working with.
Benefits of scent training for dogs
We’ve talked in a previous blog article about the benefits of enrichment for dogs. Scent training for dogs is another form of enrichment. Through scent training, dogs build their confidence, are mentally and physically stimulated, and build a sense of teamwork with their owner.4
Scent training helps dogs to get more enjoyment out of their learning while also helping them to burn additional energy.2 And the confidence-building aspect of the training is particularly beneficial for shy dogs.1
Scent training is also great for high-energy dogs because it doesn’t only help them to burn energy but it also helps to teach them how to focus.3
In this form of training, the dog and the owner need to act as a team as they identify and track down the scent. In many forms of scent training, competition, and working environments, neither the dog nor the handler know where the scent is so the sense of teamwork builds the dog-handler bond.
How I use scent training for dogs
In the scent work training that I perform, I utilize AKC odors (Birch, Anise, Clove, and Cypress) within my classes and lessons. I use Sniff Industries scent boxes as a training mechanism for the dogs and owners that I work with.
I start the training by introducing scents to the dog one at a time. I teach the dog to identify the scent and then change their behavior to indicate that they’ve detected the scent, wherever it’s hidden. Upon successful detection, the dog gets rewarded.
As the dog becomes more skilled in identifying and detecting each scent, I will introduce them to additional scents. When the dog is able to handle all four of the AKC odors, I begin to make the hiding more challenging. As we progress, the scent is hidden for both the owner and the dog, and eventually, we move outside to make the work of detecting the scent even more difficult.
The many benefits of scent training have really helped me to elevate my training game by helping me to build the confidence of both dogs and owners while making the training experience even more enjoyable and fun.
At this time, my training consists of training for sport rather than training working dogs. This allows me to focus in on the most valuable experience for your non-working household dog while incorporating other types of necessary training.
Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of scent training, the programs I offer, and whether this is right for you and your dog? Call 847-409-1363 today to inquire about our training offerings!
1 “AKC Scent Work”, American Kennel Club,
2 “What is Scent Training for Dogs and How Do I Get Started?”, Daily Paws,
3 “Dog Nose Work: Scent Training Support for Dogs”, Best Friends,
4 “The Many (Some Surprising) Uses and Benefits of Scent Work”, American Kennel Club,
